Saturday, June 18, 2011


Now who doesn't love food?? If there are really people out there that don't enjoy food, well they may not be going very far in life... What does loving food even mean? Does it mean you enjoy anything and everything that is edible? Or does it mean you actually appreciate and respect what food does for you?

Food is a necessity. We as humans and living creatures on this earth NEED food to survive. Along with the other basic survival needs.

Now you guys are probably thinking, well duh... but you'd be suprised as to how much our cultural eating habits have changed from the crazy caveman years, to the farmland years, to this non-stop busy society.

We no longer think about eating to LIVE, we now live to EAT. We eat when we're stressed, when we're depressed, when we're bored. Sometimes we don't eat all day until we get home from work because our day is always busy, busy, busy!

No one has time to stop and think about what's good and what's bad for them, right? Wrong. Now a-days, they've created these things called iphones, ipods, labtops, and notebooks (if you want to go a little old-school).

My point is it takes two minutes to look up meal plans, or calories of restaraunts. It's all just a little common since here and there. I will write up more tips and ideas as to how a person can ulter their daily eating habits just by planning ahead, but I'll save that for another blog post.

The point of this post is to point out that there is a bunch of us who think they truely LOVE food, when really, we only love EATING food. To love food is to respect it, and appreciating it's natural characteristics and taste. For those who think they fall under the "love eating food only" category, I recommend trying to give food another shot and try  learning how to LOVE FOOD that LOVES YOU BACK!

P.s I'm not trying to tell you guys that it is NEVER ok to enjoy that chocolate chip cookie or double fudge brownie here and there. In fact it's healthy to endulge yourself once in awhile without needing to feel guilty all the time. I just want you guys to understand that food should be more appreciated rather than scuffed down all in one bite and never thought of. Just thinking about what you eat each and every day is a great first step to making a healthier and happier you :)

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